Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Why You Won't See the First Picture of Baby #3 on My Fridge

Apparently this kid is an acrobat. It twisted and turned and flipped and punched and kicked its way through my ultrasound. So this is the one and only picture I have. On top, the sonographer did manage to get a view of its foot before it kicked the transducer. The bottom picture appears to show that the kid has at least one eyeball. 

In other news, I am taking any and all name suggestions. Lou and I haven't even discussed names, and I'm pretty sure we won't settle on anything anytime soon. We don't know what the gender is. (I didn't want to know, but Lou did. The sonographer told me that she was soooo relieved that I didn't really want to know because she couldn't have told me with all of its flippy flopping and general lack of cooperation.) So, send me any and all names you think of for this kid. Obviously, names that rhyme with "Sierra" are out. 
No Karas or Sarahs or Taras.


  1. Joy! Joy goes with every name in the female world

  2. haha! i had the same problem with my ultrasound. the kid kept flipping around so after several minutes they made me go back to the waiting room and told me take a walk outside so the baby would settle into a good position and hopefully not squirm so much, after waiting 20 minutes they took me back and were finally able to get a good picture.
